Shriekfest 2017

Best Horror Feature Film
directed by Haylar Garcia
Best Thriller Feature Film
The Glass Coffin
directed by Haritz Zubillaga
Best Sci-Fi Feature Film
directed by Diego Hallivis
Best Horror Short Film
directed by Judson Vaughan
Best Sci-Fi Short Film
The Things They Left Behind
directed by Sara Werner
Best Super Short Film
directed by Kevin McMahon & Andy Dylan
Best Horror Feature Screenplay
The Heebies
written by Andrea D. McGee
Best Thriller Feature Screenplay
Rational Panic
written by Robert Rhyne
Best Sci-Fi Feature Screenplay
written by Marc Roussel
Best Short Screenplay
Dark Hour
written by Edward Martin
Best Music Video
by Craven Band, directed by Erick Melchiorri
Best Commercial
Scream Queen Wanted
directed by Shane Cole