Shriekfest 2012

Best Horror Feature Film
Directed by Patrick Rea
Best Sci-Fi Feature Film
Found in Time
Directed by Arthur Vincie
Best Thriller Feature Film
It’s in the Blood
Directed by Scooter Downey
Best Super Short Film
The Sleepover
Directed by Chris Cullari
Best Horror Short Film
Directed by James Bushe
Best Sci-Fi Short Film
A Light in the Darkness
Directed by Fed Wetherbee
Best Horror Feature Screenplay
Written by David Beran
Best Sci-Fi Feature Screenplay
When the Sleeper Wakes
Directed by James Van Fleet
Best Short Screenplay
The Last Rung
Written by Matt Mintz
Best Original Song
Push ’em Down
Matt Mintz and The Ghosts of Electricity
Winner of the Bechdel Test Award
With Child
Jeff Kacmarynski