Shriekfest 2009

Best Horror Feature Film
Dark House
directed by Darin Scott
Best Fantasy Feature Film
directed by Robert Beaucage
Best Horror Short Film
Death in Charge
directed by Devi Snively
Best Sci-Fi Short Film
directed by The Shumway Brothers
Best Super Short Film
directed by Andrew Huang
Best Horror Feature Screenplay
Dead After Tomorrow
written by Benjamin Pollack
Best Sci-Fi Feature Screenplay
written by Louis Rosenberg
Best Short Screenplay
written by L.C. Cruell
The Pretty/Scary Award**
Death in Charge
directed by Devi Snively
(Award sponsored & chosen by PRETTY-SCARY.NET)
Best Acting Performance
Dameon Clarke
In How to Be a Serial Killer
Audience Choice Award
directed by Travis Betz
Best Under 18 Film/Screenplay
Lock(ed) In
directed by Lea McMahan
and written by Peter Jones, McKenzie Cupp, Molly Morgan, Katie Herbst, Ali Gianutsos, Jean Jamison