Janet Loftis
2019-02-28 12:00
Janet Loftis
2009, 2012, 2017, 2018 Screenplay Finalist and 2015 Semifinalist

What is your name, company name, and URL?
Janet Loftis, writer. I don't really have a company/URL, but here are the links to my e-book on Amazon, and my WordPress blog: http://smile.amazon.com/Skin-Bones-Janet-Loftis-ebook/dp/B00E19DQHA/, https://janetloftis.wordpress.com/
What is your specialty: filmmaking or screenwriting? If filmmaking, which aspects?
Screenwriting. Preferred format: shorts (for now...)
What are you currently working on?
I've just started a new short for Shriekfest 2019 (of course). And I'm in the process of adding a couple of new stories to my horror/dark fantasy collection "Skin & Bones" which currently is only available in e-book format. Once that's done, I'll be creating a print option.
Nice! Who do you consider your mentor and why?
I've had several over the years, from teachers to friends, and even friends of friends (who I've never met in person) who were generous enough to read & critique. And a special nod to my friend, Xina Uhl, who is the one who encouraged me to try e-book sales. We often give each other virtual "kicks-in-the-rear" to get back to work.
That is so important. Why do you think the horror/sci-fi genres have such a large following?
I think horror/sciffi offers the most variety, incorporating every other genre in any combination - where else could you create a story about a time traveling amphibious alien serial killer who falls in love with Rasputin, his next intended victim? Hmm...now there's an idea I haven't tried yet.
LOL What do you love most about this business?
I love the family feel, the inclusiveness. I met so many incredibly nice people at Shriekfest who welcomed me with open arms, instantly making me one of their own.
That makes me happy! What do you dislike most about this business?
I'm not sure. Probably the same that others dislike: how hard it is to break in - what does it take to get that one break? that leap from finalist to winner to getting a script made into film?
What career accomplishment are you most proud of?
My last two finalist placements in Shriekfest, especially since, I must confess, I wrote each of those two days before the final deadline.
Wow, that's impressive! Any advice you'd like to give to newbies?
Sit your ass down in a chair, move the cat off the computer keyboard, and write.
LOL Great advice! Anything else you'd like to say?
See you in October!
Thank you! It was great chatting!