Charles de Lauzirika
2022-02-01 12:00
Charles de Lauzirika
Feature Film "Crave"

What is your name, company name, and URL?
I'm Charles de Lauzirika. I own two companies: Lauzirika Motion Picture Company for the behind-the-scenes and promotional content I produce; and Iron Helmet for the narrative films I direct, like CRAVE and LOVE BITE.
What is your specialty: filmmaking or screenwriting? If filmmaking, which aspects?
Filmmaking. But as I like to say, I direct out of love, I produce out of necessity, and I write out of desperation. In a perfect world, I'd only be directing because that process gives me the most joy.
What are you currently working on?
Working on some promotional videos for a new horror feature coming out later this year, pitching a new making-of documentary about a legendary filmmaker that's going to blow people's minds, and developing what I hope is my next feature as director. Finding the sweet spot between a concept that interests me and a budget that's obtainable in this volatile climate has been taking forever, but I've finally got something that fits the bill.
Who do you consider your mentor and why?
I guess I'd have to say it was Ridley Scott, since I worked with him for so long and learned so much from him. But since I've left that nest, I'm on my own now, putting those lessons to work.
Why do you think the horror/sci-fi genres have such a large following?
People get a thrill from seeing things they don't get to see in normal life. Oftentimes, the best films in those genres rely on our imaginations, so when we're partners in the storytelling like that, we have more investment in the experience and the characters.
What do you love most about this business?
Telling stories visually. And collaborating with so many creative people who inspire me to do better in my own work.
What do you dislike most about this business?
That it takes so long to get things done, and that it's increasingly difficult to get people to take a chance on anything original. That's only gotten worse in the COVID era.
What career accomplishment are you most proud of?
Getting my first feature made, and having CRAVE do so well on the festival circuit, was a huge dream come true -- not only for my grown-up self, but even more so for my 7 year-old self who saw JAWS in a theater and decided then to become a filmmaker.
Any advice you'd like to give to newbies?
Don't wait for the perfect opportunity you've fantasized about. Just dive into something that interests you, take that chance, and remind yourself that it's okay to fail so long as you learn, grow and do better next time. But also, once you've committed to making something, prepare, prepare, prepare. You can have fun, but take the process seriously.
Anything else you'd like to say?
Thanks for the questions, Denise. And for those interested, you can find me on social media: @lauzirika.