Chaman Malhi
2014-10-31 12:00
Chaman Malhi
2014's Best Original Song "Forgetting How to Dream"

What is your name, company name, and URL?
My name is Chaman Malhi, I am a co-founder of MJR LBL Media (Major Label), and VP of Business Development for Victory Square Labs.
What is your specialty: filmmaking or screenwriting? If filmmaking, which aspects?
If I had to choose between the two, it would be filmmaking as a Producer. My specialty is the ability to develop high concepts, then put together and lead a team to build on and execute the vision. The directors, AD's, performers, cinematographers, editors, colorists etc. - they are the super heroes, while I'm more like Nick Fury.
What are you currently working on?
Ten fingers and about as many pies! Film related? A short film entitled Zero Avenue. Zero Avenue is a road that borders US and Canada along Washington and BC and is often used to smuggle BC Bud to the US for more questionable substances. The film tells the story of a ten year old nickel bag weed dealer who finds himself on the frontline of BC's international drug trade before he reaches adulthood. Horror sci-fi related? I'm seeking funding for a b-movie script and treatment I wrote called Zomborg - yep Zombie Cyborgs, that's how I roll.
Who do you consider your mentor and why?
I've never really had any mentors early in my life, and was forced to blaze a trail of my own at a young age. Back then, I was raised by The Ninja Turtles and Wu Tang Clan. When I worked with the bank cartels a few years ago I was introduced to the spiritual and quantum side of life by a self-made man named Kirk Davis and for that I am forever grateful. Today my role models are Muhammed Ali, Ari Emanuel and Kirk Davis.
Why do you think the horror/sci-fi genres have such a large following?
Endorphins. Sci-Fi stimulates the imagination and gets the synapsis in the brain spinning, while horror excites us in a more dangerous way. In the end, both are escapes from reality in a way that crime-drama's, comedies, romance and even action could never offer. Besides, the animal in all of us is still addicted to blood.
What do you love most about this business?
Working with insane creative people in one hand, no-nonsense business folks in the other and managing both of their emotions while turning thoughts into things, paper into picture.
What do you dislike most about this business?
Working with insane creative people in one hand, no-nonsense business folks in the other and managing both of their emotions while turning thoughts into things, paper into picture.
What career accomplishment are you most proud of?
And all this time I've been taking a tally of my failures! I am most proud of Zero Avenue. It is not finished yet, but I feel a buzz with this one and it's the first project I have worked on with my childhood friends Benjamin Arce and Jason James. As a trinity we are MJR LBL and it's been tough for us not to kill each other in the start, but I see all of our destiny's unfolding with this one and nothing brings me more pleasure than empowering people who I believe in.
Any advice you'd like to give to newbies?
I'm a year in the biz...I thought I was a newbie! It's all about balance. Balance in your teams skillsets, knowing when to be driven emotionally and when to make a business decision. When to let go of controlling your stories so they can develop into something more than you could ever imagine by empowering others through ownership. We're all just tiny specs of light and so are our ideas. It's about connecting the dots.
Anything else you'd like to say?
I'm creative by nature, but the business is a sickness. I dropped out of college and spent seven modestly successful years working in the bank cartels when I realized I needed to live in an evil closer to my creative heart. It was always a pipe dream to work in film and television, but I don't wish I got into it earlier. We all have our path and the universe unfolds the way it should. You don't have to understand it, only trust in it. Today I feel that my experiences prepared me to pursue my lifelong passion for creativity with sound business logic. If you're a creative or an executive in the entertainment space, rest assured I'm a Producer who 'gets it'.